Fuff # 0 (Giant Jeffrey Lewis comic book)
NOTE: NOTE: Since I'm running low on this particular issue it will currently ONLY be available in the Complete Fuff Comix Collection, not for individual sale!
Note: Shipping/packaging cost will be calculated/added at the end of the check-out process.
Fuff # 0 (Come To My Show)
A 72-page square-bound giant comic book written and drawn by Jeffrey Lewis, color cover and b & w interior (on glossy paper). Cover price $5. Each one includes an individual fortune-cookie fortune!
This special edition collects all of the 4-page concert-announcement minicomix stories (and cassette-art minicomix) that Jeffrey created in his early performing days (1998-2001) plus brand new comic book explanations of the who/where/what/why/when/how behind all of this crazy stuff. Packed with divine insanity, rhyming doggerel, surreal adventure, and more than a couple characters who will be familiar to readers of Fuff, this is a Jeffrey Lewis magnum opus featuring material which has been long out of print (old edition original copies have gone for nearly $40 on ebay). This new edition published October 2011.