Sonnet Youth: Confusion is Sex/Kill Yr Idols
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This mini-zine features a re-imagining of Sonic Youth's 1983 masterpieces, the "Confusion Is Sex" LP and "Kill Yr Idols" EP (which usually get bundled together into one album).
All eleven song lyrics have been rewritten by Jeffrey as eleven sonnets in the Shakespearian mode! Each line is in iambic pentameter (generally that's the soft/loud/soft/loud 5-beat rhythm of "To BE or NOT to BE, that IS the QUEStion...") and each poem is structured into the sonnet architecture of three quatrains and a closing couplet. Naturally there's also accompanying illustrations by Jeffrey.
For example, here's the complete original lyrics for the song "Kill Yr Idols" (copyright Thurston Moore and the rest of Sonic Youth circa 1983):
KILL YR IDOLS (original Sonic Youth lyrics)
I don't know why / You wanna impress Christgau / Ah let that shit die/ And find out the new goal.
Kill yr idols / Sonic death / It's the end of the world / Your confusion is sex.
AND here it is in Jeffrey's sonnet form re-write:
KILL YR IDOLS (Jeffrey's sonnet version)
It fills me up with anger and depression
There's more to art than being on a list now
So why still try to make a good impression
On any music critic, even Christgau?
Leave behind all former tags and titles
Slay them with your brutal sonic force
As Nietzsche said, you have to kill your idols.
All uncertainty is intercourse
Keep skepticism strong and un-suspending
Perhaps that's what the message of this tune is
The world you knew is coming to an ending
So kill it and embrace the crazy newness.
And kill me also, if I get too preachy.
Treat no one sacred - me, Christgau or Nietzsche.
Now you may ask, what exactly is the entertainment value in a little 3-inch stapled booklet of sonnets based on a dozen old Sonic Youth songs? We're not sure. A dollar or two perhaps?
And "Sonnet Youth: GOO" is still available... and now so is "Daydream Nation"! Are there more to come? Eeh, maybe not.
1) (She's in a) Bad Mood
2) Protect Me You
3) Freezer Burn/I Wanna Be Your Dog
4) Shaking Hell
5) Inhuman
6) The World Looks Red
7) Confusion Is Next
8) Making the Nature Scene
9) Kill Yr Idols
10) Brother James
11) Early American
(Note: A twelfth song, "Lee Is Free," does not appear here rewritten in sonnet form because it's an instrumental.)